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Eugène Laudy was born in Heerlen in 1921 as the son of an art teacher. After secondary school, he attended the Secondary Applied Arts School in Maastricht from 1936 to 1941. A large number of art disciplines and techniques were taught here with an emphasis on technical skills and knowledge. Laudy specialized in monumental art. After completing his studies, he started a professional practice on the Benzenraderweg in Heerlen, where he remained professionally employed throughout his life. He married Fientje Vaessen in 1948, together they had six children.

Between 1900 and 1960, monumental art was the most important and characteristic art form in Limburg. They were called the ‘Monumentalists’ and made their living making mosaics, reliefs, murals and stained glass windows for churches, town halls, schools, offices and hospitals. Eugène Laudy was an important exponent of this group of Monumentalists. In the 1960s, the ecclesiastical assignments declined. He started teaching and developed further in all kinds of techniques, making abstract compositions both two- and three-dimensional. Undoubtedly he was influenced by post-war expressionism. He designed tapestries for all kinds of institutions such as schools, companies and hospitals, which he had woven in Amsterdam. In the early 1980s, Laudy developed kidney problems, which slowly got worse. In 1995 he died, aged 73. He was buried in the Pancratiuskerk in Heerlen, which he had previously provided with various stained-glass windows.

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