Vernissage exhibition “WUNDERKAMMER”
15 December 2019 @ 15:00 - 17:00
Fantastic collections from Hans van der Weijden
December 15, 2019 – January 19, 2020
In the 16th and 17th century “Wunderkammer” curiosities of various kinds were collected in a special room or cupboard. Beautiful shells and coral. Beautiful stones, seed casings, fruits and ingeniously made objects of ivory and stuffed exotic animals. The Wunderkammer showed the unknown world without wanting to be scientific. The worlds of Hans van der Weijden, near and far, dreamed or tangible, can be seen in Museum Valkenburg in its wonderful objects and fantastic collections.
The vernissage takes place on Sunday December 15 at 3 p.m. The introduction is given by gallery owner Marleen Guthschmidt.
The usual means of access as stated on this website apply to this opening and exhibition. For more information about this exhibition, visit: https://www.museumvalkenburg.nl/en/agenda/exhibition-wunderkammer/
Take into account possible crowds in Valkenburg due to the Christmas market.
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Entree voor het gehele museum:
- € 10,00 p.p. (incl. gratis kopje koffie)
- Studenten: € 5,00 p.p.
- Museumkaart, begunstigerskaart, ICOMkaart en vriendenpas geldig
- Kinderen tot 12 jaar onder begeleiding: gratis
- Voor speciale tentoonstellingen kan een toeslag worden gerekend.