This is certainly not the best painting on display, but special. Nardus van de Ven, the artist, born in 1894 in Woensel near Eindhoven, started his career at the Nederlandse Spoorwegen, but trained himself (self-taught) in painting and sculpting. The work is painted in a somewhat naïve style.
Visitors to the exhibition find this a good painting and, on average, think about it for a long time because it tells a story (anecdote). What are the gentlemen doing? One is the organizer / organizer. The other two are clearly those who have to do the hanging work. What are they talking about: about the quality of the painting to be hung or about where the painting is going to hang? The gentlemen do not look particularly cheerful, are they not in agreement? You can fill it out yourself.
Nardus van de Ven
What is special is that some of the works depicted on the painting are actually in the collection of Maarten and Reina van Bommel van Dam.
Wish you much viewing pleasure!
The Van Bommel van Dam exhibition can still be seen until Sunday 20 January 2019